Have you ever come accross this situation?
Have you?
Now I'm asking you, how do you feel?
That is what I'm feeling right now.
Being here in this fu**in racist company make me sick. Really² sick!!!
I'm not demanding to have more bonus, more attention, to be a boss, to be the best senior and can be known on the floor, coz I know they won't be able to provide so.
But pls do appreciate me and other staff who struggle too hard for this company.
February 12, 2009, I'll be 2 years already in this company but what did I get so far?
Promotion? No!
Compliment? No!
Complaint? Yes!
Cursed? Yes!
Being yelled everyday? Absolutely YES!!!
So, how do you feel?
So, how do you feel?
This is all I can do...
I don't know what to do now since recession is hitting badly to the whole country, Malaysia is not excluded. Due to the economic crisis, I realize it's possible to get a better job (a job especially) at this time being. I'm stucked!
This is what I feel too when a person that we called as friend, ignore me all the times. Yup, I admit, I need attention from all my friends and family member. I'm very manja and fragile! That is me, Pojie. But pls don't use such a cliche statement, "Xde masa la", "Aku bz la", "Uiks, skrg mmg byk problem, xsempat nak reply", "Sori xde kredit" and bla³ whatever! Xde masa? Hello, berapa jam korang idup sehari? 13 jam jer ker..? 24 jam jugak kan? Sm cam aku, so pls stop being that hectic. A very bad reason for me. I'm not demanding to have a call for hours from you, just say "Hi" via sms is good enough for me. Xde kredit? What I can suggest to you, CAMPAK HENPON TUH DALAM LOMBONG! Just a lame excuse. Macam xde public phone, or tumpang sesen dua anto msj via hp kwn n bgtau, "Sorry, I've no cdt, will catch you later. Thx for remember me", is that too hard? Btw, from what I know from my end here, if there's no cdt for more than 90 days, the line will be terminated am I correct? So, itu adalah ALASAN! That is what we called "Unappreciated". Bukan nak mintak dijulang dan ditatang, cukup lah menghargai diri ini and keep in touch with me. Ini tup² dgr citer dah kawen la, dah fly la, dah mati la. Bg mesej setahun sekali time² wish raya, mana nak tau citer kan!
Whatever reason, for me it is just an excuse to escape yourself from being blaimed, am I correct? Xkisah la sbb sekarang konsep Pojie senang jer, "Threat People Like What They Threat Us". So ko lupakan aku? Ignore aku? Senang jer, xpayah nyemak² muka kat MySpace, penuhkan contact list dalam fon, DELETE is the best way, terus abes cter. So pasnih klo mesej aku then kene reply blk ngan soalan kekwat, "Do I know you?!", so paham² jelah ok! Klo ada org ckp "Treat People Like What You Want To Be Treat", but no more. Kdg² Pojie rasa Pojie dah ckp baik dan berlembut ngan org. Pojie rendahkan ego Pojie, zip mulut Pojie dari bersikap lantang, kurang hajar dan bermulut lazer, now no more. I LOVE BEING MYSELF. Xperlu bpura² utk menjaga hati org, sedangkan hati sendiri xterjaga apatah lagi org nak jaga, JANGAN HARAP!
For those yg sayang, memahami dan sering keep in touch with me, THANK YOU SO MUCH! I do not know how can I appreciate your kindness. Pojie berdoa agar kwn² Pojie yg betul² memahami konsep kawan (dan sahabat) kat Pojie, sentiasa dilindungi Allah dan mendapat kebahagiaan di dunia dan akhirat. Semoga persabahatan ini kekal buat selama²nya.
14 bicara yang baik hati...:
"I LOVE BEING MYSELF. Xperlu bpura² utk menjaga hati org, sedangkan hati sendiri xterjaga apatah lagi org nak jaga, JANGAN HARAP!"
btul statement tu..nek kene start pentingkn diri. sbb xkn ade owg yg akn pentingkn kite slain diri kite sendiri..
nek kene byk bersabar tau..i'allah nek akan dpt rezki lebih dr yg ade skrg..
pape pun,u will always be my NEK BULONG! ngee...
if you think u wanna find a better job..
u should try "steward"..
cam tatot jer bacer entry ni...mesti ngah emo sgt2 ni...
tetenang plis...huhu
pape, Kasih kan ader...pojie rujuk pd dia okay...nakmo marah2 k
Sayang Nek Buyong gak..
Nak jugak tiru aku kan!
U make me ROFL la dear..
Klo Pojie punyer berat 65kg, insyAllah dapat..
Nih pun sokmo kantoi sbb overweight..
Jgn la takut, ok jer nih pas jerit kat pantry sambil tekup bantal kat muka..
Puas ati aku..
hope anis x tergolong antaran frenz pojie 2...
sokong aper yg jim ckp.
dri apa yg dah anis alami..bettter PK kan diri sendiri. hati kite lg skt kalo asyik nak kne ZIP mulut...aiyooo....
sakit ati bile kenang balik
sbr k dear
anis always with u.
miss u dear
Alhmadulillah, so far sumer geng Sayap Pojie syg n puas ati sgt²..
But who knows kan manusia nih..
Tp pcaya la, skali org syg kat Pojie, 10x Pojie syg kat org tau!
Cam Pojie syg kat Anis la!
Sayang kamu..
Rindu kamu!!
apa pun bawa bersabar ye..
biasa la ragam manusia ni macam2..
so, takde apa yg pelik kan..
pusing kanan.. pusing kiri..
ala2 gitew gak ragamnya..
tu la dugaan namanya..
nguji kesabaran kita sebagai manusia..
yes.. memang ada limit..
tapi insyaAllah..
kesabaran pojie takkan sia2..
jgn samakan diri kita ngan org yg sia2kan kita. dan tak hargai diri kita.. just be yourself..k..
gambatte kudasai..
Thanks a lot Adie,
I hope so..
InsyAllah Pojie akan gunakan nasihat itu..
Hope Adie pun ok la yer..
ayoo..sabaa erkk pojie.huhuukk..
sape la yg wat dajal kat pojie tuh grrr...
ayoo..sabaa erkk pojie.huhuukk..
sape la yg wat dajal kat pojie tuh grrr...
ayoo..sabaa erkk pojie.huhuukk..
sape la yg wat dajal kat pojie tuh grrr...
ayoo..sabaa erkk pojie.huhuukk..
sape la yg wat dajal kat pojie tuh grrr...
Saper yg dajalkan Pojie..?
Sudah tentula umat² si Dajal di Kota Singa ittew!
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